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Drop weight tyre hydraulic retarder is not only high - Security

In 2012 January 5 day work letter department issued notice requirements, dangerous goods transport vehicle total mass of more than 12 tons of freight be equipped with retarder or other auxiliary brake device. One stone arouses 1000 billow, the notice of a "heavy truck mounted retarder," become a focus of public opinion, media and industry experts is the choice of eddy current retarder or hydraulic retarder, retarder on heavy truck users actually more advantages than disadvantages such issues as different views on heavy truck. What is the role of heavy truck mounted retarder on earth? After installation of retarder heavy truck cost to the user whether there will be a corresponding increase in?

The domestic heavy truck market is opening retarder

Retarder is an auxiliary system of automobile brake. When you enable retarder in speed or long downhill,, can be a smooth deceleration, avoid the use of brakes caused by wear and heat. There are mainly the eddy current retarder and hydraulic retarder retarder on the market two. Retarder brake for heavy vehicles can play a good supporting role, especially in mountain or slope road more place.

At present in China, mainly used in the large-scale passenger car retarder, in heavy truck is not used frequently. But as the market continues to open, the retarder has attracted more attention of domestic heavy truck market. Now, with the policy of promoting domestic heavy truck market is open, the retarder.

Retarder is trend

Compared to the eddy current retarder and hydraulic retarder has the incomparable superiority in weight, the continuous braking and energy saving etc.. First of all, in the weight, hydraulic retarder weighs only 50 kilograms (eddy current retarder domestic for >12 tons truck (2000nm-3200nm) in the general weight 100-450 kg).

Second, hydraulic retarder save friction plate than the eddy current retarder, eddy current retarder when run by wind cooling led to heat up quickly, the braking efficiency decreased significantly, while the hydraulic retarder by water cooling temperature rise is not obvious, almost invalid can fall, can be on standby to full load. The tests showed that the hydraulic retarder than the eddy current retarder save friction plate 2-3 times.

Third, the heat dissipation capability of hydraulic retarder good make the continuous braking particularly suitable Changpo required, is solved in the brake failure events only radical solution.

Fourth, hydraulic retarder vehicles from the weight, inertia, maintain a more reasonable rotation speed of engine operation, maintain higher downhill speed is better than the eddy current retarder vehicles, fuel consumption less than the nearly 2-5%. Because of this, the 90's the beginning of the application of eddy current retarder in Europe to further reduce, after a few years, basically out of the market.

Hydraulic retarder drop weight tyre

Although the hydraulic retarder has many advantages, but has not yet popular in the domestic heavy truck market. One is because the previous safety has not been like this height to take seriously, two is because the installation cost is high, the value of the investment is still far in the short term has not been widely accepted in the market.

With the domestic and foreign enterprises for the market's attention and investment, competition intensified, the cost of each type of Retarder in decline. At present, the eddy current retarder market pricing truck special hydraulic retarder and the same torque of the difference in price is very close, but the performance must be better than the eddy current retarder.

More importantly, using hydraulic retarder can help users to reduce more cost of transportation truck. In mountainous area, operating trucks, cars are equipped with a water tank, mainly used to reduce the temperature to the water pouring tire rims, usually contain about 400 kg -1200 kg. "Run road drivers know, in the mountains of the road often encounter continuous braking situation, in the absence of hydraulic retarder under the condition of continuous brake friction plate rim and cause rapid temperature ascension, in order to ensure the braking effect, you need water to cool."

The reporter is simple calculation, calculated in accordance with the current domestic minimum charge 4 cents, a heavy truck at least once a year to run 60000 kilometers, calculation of minimum standards to tank containing water, the installation of hydraulic retarder, at least can reduce the load capacity of 300 kg, so as to reduce the amount of vehicle load, let each time the vehicle Dora 300 kilograms of goods. According to the calculation, 0.3 (T) x0.4 (yuan) x60000 (km) =7200 yuan, that is to say the installation of hydraulic retarder, vehicle each Dora 300 kilograms of goods, thereby at least annually earn 7200 yuan. If the tank is calculated by 1000 kilograms, that is 21600 yuan.

In addition, according to the reporter, in Shanxi, Datong Road, these water shortage area, usually have a family water station, water added to 20 yuan. More importantly, the water need to queue, delay the transportation efficiency, which undoubtedly is an increased transportation costs. Nearly 5000 yuan a year to waste unnecessary into revenue, it on the truck users, is not a small sum of economic accounts.

According to the introduction, in addition to lighten the deadweight of the hydraulic retarder, can also help the truck tire effective protection. The heavy duty truck tire is daily repair and maintenance of the most frequent a. It is well known that the tire material from rubber, because the characteristics of rubber itself, life and is closely related to the temperature of the tire. For a long time the brakes will bring high temperature to the tire in the mountains, very big to tire wear and tear, so often run road drivers chef in the spread of such a word "brakes, tire less three days".

According to previous investigation, at present the heavy truck tire cost around 3000 yuan a, front tire replacement period is generally 8 months, the rear tire is 3 months. Visible, updated annually tire cost has become one of the biggest part of the mountain in the user cost of transportation.


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